What kind of wedding photography would you like for your special day?
You can choose traditional shots where the bride and groom are depicted in pose, in a linear and perfect way. Otherwise, you can opt for authentic and real storytelling of the wedding with spontaneous and stolen shots.
Daniel Márquez is the perfect example of a destination photographer who applies documentary style shots to weddings. Based in Andalucía, he and his experienced team travel all over Spain and the world to immortalize love stories. His style focuses on capturing unique moments that usually go unnoticed at a wedding. In fact, Daniel depicts instants of pure happiness and emotion in which the spouses are spontaneous and natural. From the magic of the first gaze between the couple as the bride walks to the aisle to the expression of pure joy at the cutting the cake, these are all meaningful moments to be cherished. The project starts well before the wedding day. The first step is in fact to arrange a vis a vis catch up or a video call with the couple to get to know them better, understand who they are, what they like and lay the groundwork together. As he himself declares: “Quiero involucrarme en vuestro amor porque si no lo siento entonces no puedo fotografiarlo”. (I want to get involved in your love because if I don’t feel it then I can’t photograph it). If you are a couple interested in a pure wedding reportage and a story told through photography, Daniel is the professional for you. He’ll capture the real and spontaneous moments of your wedding giving space to all your emotions, making your wedding truly memorable and unique.Take a look at his website and check his portfolio!